
Sunday, June 21, 2020

The problem with Noam Chomsky, the Alex Jones of the left: articles, videos, & radio podcasts that expose how Noam Chomsky has ruined the antiwar movement & how left-wing partisanship, intolerance & cancel culture hamper the antiwar movement. And America didn't go to war for oil.

Part 1: The exposing Noam Chomsky as controlled opposition:
In the antiwar movement, there are some left-wing individuals & sources that I have respect for & use. The most notable are Consortiumnews.comCounterPunch & George Galloway. I also have respect for Ralph Nader & Dennis Kucinich, who are both sincerely anti-war, along with Glen Greenwald & Naomi Wolf, & I've supported Lincoln Chafee, Martin O'Malley, & John Kasich for the 2016 United States presidential election. I & many others support Tulsi Gabbard for the 2020 United States presidential election. I, along with many "right-libertarians" even hold respect for Eugene Debs for his antiwar views.

However, the left-wing domination of the antiwar, anti-imperialist & anti-Zionist movements does have its problems. The purpose of this article is to bring together sources that expose Noam Chomsky & controlled opposition within the antiwar left, along with other problems in the antiwar movement.

Keep in mind, the majority of Jewish individuals in the world are not involved in some conspiracy to take the world over, much in the same way that most Italian people are not involved in the Italian mafia. I do not in any way, shape, or form intend to promote hatred towards the Jewish people. Just because an individual is in a minority does not mean that they are incapable of doing wrong. They are human, & can be good, evil, or neutral. Jeff Blankfort is criticizing Israel in part because Israel's governmental actions create anti-Jewish hatred.

Continued, Jeffrey "Jeff" Blankfort is my favorite individual for exposing this (even though he does sound left-leaning), followed by Alison Weir, followed by NewsBud, followed by James Corbett. Ryan Dawson also took part in this, & he led me to find information to debunk the claim that "America went to war for oil".
Blankfort, who Noam Chomsky & Phyllis Bennis have both refused to debate, has also exposed Jewish Voice for Peace, which is not incompetent, but actually, a limited-hangout controlled opposition & damage control group hiding behind a minority group. 
Claiming minority group status to protect itself from criticism is almost identical to the trope Hiding Behind Religion, but instead uses minority groups because, due to victimhood culture, in modern Western culture, disagreeing with a minority group is assumed to be racist (which is occasionally true, but is overplayed today).

Keep in mind that Jeff Blankfort is not racist (he does support Black Lives Matter), but the way he talks may be offensive to some people because he's old (in his late 70's or early 80's at the time of these interviews & broadcasts were recorded) & old people just don't change overnight.

Jeff Blankfort articles:

Most important:

Less important:

Gilad Atzmon articles:

If Americans Knew:

Jeff Blankfort radio episodes:


Videos with length:

Exposing Noam Chomsky:

This video summarizes the issue:

Leftist Gatekeepers for the Israeli lobby/Jeffrey Blankfort - Are there Israel lobby gatekeepers and damage control squads on the Left?

Additional information:

Blankfort on Shimon Peres, Jewish voice for peace, blackmail, and Zionism 
(1:43:00. Most relevant talk starts at 33:00.) - Bitchute version

Blankfort on Shimon Peres, Jewish voice for peace, blackmail, and Zionism  
(1:43:00. Most relevant talk starts at 33:00.) - altCensored version

The relevant parts come at 24:25, 32:00-35:45, 41:00-42:30, & 44:50-55:10, & 1:01:25-1:12:23-1:14:05. 1:12:23-1:14:05 is especially interesting, summing up the cowardice in much of the modern left even in issues as important as war & peace.

Jeff Blankfort on Leftist Jewish Groups limiting participation and action for Palestine (1:02:09)

Noam Chomsky exposes himself as a Zionist in an interview by Alison Weir (51:40)

Jeffrey Blankfort - Chomsky misfires on US-Israel relations (1:58:26)

Jeffrey Blankfort talks with Hesham Tillawi about Chomsky (56:54)

(Alternative Media Censorship)

Gilad Atzmon in NYC: Jewish Controlled Opposition

Debunking Noam Chomsky's claim that "America went to war for oil":

War for Oil (((Whose oil?))) 3:22

(U.S. Imports from Iraq of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products)

screenshot of
(Israel said to import $1 billion in oil from Iraqi Kurds - The Times of Israel)

screenshot of
(Report: Majority of Israeli oil imported from Kurdistan - The Jerusalem Post)

screenshot of

(Israeli Oil Supply – Where Does It Come From? - Zion Oil & Gas, Inc)

Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper

Corbettreport website copies (for audio & download):

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Dissent 1/2

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Dissent 2/2

Iraq War how and why did it really start? (43:52)

PNAC not oil took us to Iraq (clip from war by deception) (42:57)

The reason why I say that Noam Chomsky is the Alex Jones of the left is because of him being controlled opposition, as already shown in this article. 
Morever, just like Alex Jones takes real issues & mixes them up with insane conspiratorial nonsense, while Noam Chomsky misleads the antiwar movement & makes lots of people dismiss antiwar views as being Marxist or hippy snowflake weakness.

Noam Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist, which would already raise eyebrows to non-anarchists & people who aren't associated with the far left, & is a communist in the eyes of conservatives, libertarians, & even centrists & milquetoast progressives. Not to mention how he actually was an apologist for communism, & was specifically an apologist for Pol PotAnd even Neoconservatism has ties to Troyskyism.

Both Ryan Dawson & Adam Green/Know More News have extensively criticized Alex Jones for taking actual, serious topics & events & twisting them into crazy conspiracy theories, & otherwise misleading people.
The playlist Truth about Alex Jones exposed shows all of this.

I'd say that Tucker Carlson is now arguably better at opposing war than Noam Chomsky. At least Carlson doesn't spread misinformation or tries to turn the antiwar movement into some kind of a partisan leftist movement.

Part 2: Problems with the modern left causes the antiwar movement.

How the Left Killed the Anti War Movement

Gilad Atzmon on his new books and controlled opposition

The reason why Israel, & by extension, the United States of America, has backed the Kurds, in a nutshell, is partially to divide Syria, & partially so Israel can get cheap oil from Kurdistan, as already shown in these videos;

Muh Kurds

Saudi butthurt or Kurd butthurt which is greater

When it comes to Jimmy Dore, Ryan Dawson has stated in his videos that, while he is not a bad person, he does lack humility (I'm paraphrasing Dawson's words). After he did a talk with Ron Paul, he had the said video switched into private perhaps because Ron Paul destroyed him in economics. He also plagiarized Ryan Dawson's video Syria what is really going on and why, & is too chicken to have him on.

When it comes to Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib, I would cassify them as Sunni idenitarians more than sincerely antiwar politicians, consdiering how they oppose Assad in Syria, who is a secular civic nationalist. In other words, they're just left-wing social justice warrior Sunni versions of the likes of Ben Shapiro & Milo Yiannopoulos.

The antiwar movement can not win if the only people allowed in are required to be in a college-campus-safe-space or Starbuck's in San Francisco, Portland, London, or their equivalent cities in Canada or Sweden, Ubering in pink Toyota Priuses or Subarus, Tweeting #ResistCapitalism from their Iphones & Apple laptops, chugging soy, wear thick-rimmed glasses, wearing Birkenstock shoes & Che Guevara t-shirts from Walmart & have crazy hair styles & tattoos.

Pandering to some hyper left-wing urban base is not a winning strategy for winning the presidency in American politics, as talked about in the RealClearPolitics article Just Admit It, Democrats: You Want to Lose Next Year.

It's as if many leftists have forgotten that conservatives are even human beings. 
And almost no one in the left has outreached to antiwar conservatives, with few exceptions such as Tulsi Gabbard (who spoke with Ron Paul & John Stossel, who are libertarians) & Jimmy Dore (who spoke with Ron Paul).

Maybe I need to write a dedicated article that briefly goes over antiwar conservatives, such as The American ConservativeThomas Lacovara-Stewart of RTR Truth Media, John Duncan Jr., Dan Caldwell, Richard Black, Walter B. Jones, & more.

Many Modern leftists cower out whenever calls them an "ist" or "ism", especially "racist". It's as if, with cancel culture, they say what they say & do what they do to virtue signal & look to to each other, & refuse to ever talk to a "racist" under any circumstance, keeping the left & even racists inside of echo chambers.


I've seen leftists get scared of BitChute, as if it's some scary far-right site. What leftists seemingly don't realize is that, if silicon valley is slanted right-wing & censors anyone who is not right-wing, they would be the ones forced to use "alt tech" sites. Ryan Dawson, who has faced extensive censorship, is forced to use alt-tech, & he is the most reasonable person I've ever heard.

The next 3 videos aren't a necessary watch, but the 1st one is highly recommended.

BitChute is not a far-right site. It is a free speech platform. The reason for why there is so much right-wing content on BitChute is because YouTube refuses to host such content, which causes right-wing commentators to migrate to BitChute, & is why right-wing & politically incorrect or unpopular political views are so overrepresented on BitChute, which would not happen if YouTube went back to its pre-Google days & was politically neutral in reguards to its mderation. BitChute today is just like YouTube in the mid & late 2000's, which posted controversial & edgy content, from wacky conspiracy theories to bum fights instead of a glorified cyber jukebox & glorified Rated G Netflix, which Google seemingly wants it to be more like.
Styxhexenhammer666 has talked about the issue of BitChute & today's YouTube vs old YouTube. I've compiled some of his videos on the topic into the playlist Styxhexenhammer666 on YouTube, BitChute, alt-tech, & moral panics, albeit I wouldn't say that its complete (viewing the playlist is not necessary for the topic of this article in of itself).

Styx does explain the issue well in the following 3 videos (not that they're really necessary viewing):

Not to mention how communists make us look bad, & Mao & Stalin apologists (tankies) ruin our credibility. I just do not understand how someone can possibly be a fan of Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin & be anti-war, or at least sincerely anti-war. I wonder if Mao & Stalin apologists who identify with the anti-war movement are actually anti-west, & hate the western world.
Even RationalWiki, which is an accredited left-wing website, implies that Stalin & Mao apologetics are ridiculous.
I personally do not think that "Joseph Stalin" & "Mao Zedong" belong in the same sentence with "anti-war" & "pro-peace". Joseph Stalin expanded the Soviet Union well into Eastern & even parts of Central Europe. And anyone who has read the Wikipedia article List of wars involving the People's Republic of China, or has looked into China's ambitions in the South Pacific & expansionism should know that any pro-peace or anti-imperialist rhetoric by the Chinese Communist establishment are just lies.

Many leftists blame America or "Whiteness" for modern imperialism, & has desensitized people to the word with vague Marxian theories & sloganeering, while people such as Ryan Dawson, Justin Raimondo, Scott Horton,, Alison Weir, & Phillip Giraldi show verifiable facts (such as ties between the Israeli lobby, military-industrial complex & the mainstream media) & the why America is being imperialistic, along with people such as Grant F. Smith initiating lawsuits against the government.

And many leftists prioritize their own partisan politics over urgent common ground issues, which end up hampering what should be a non-partisan anti-imperialist & general anti-war movement. An example of this is this comment by what sounds like a crypto-communist, which states 
"certain set of standards to be held within the movement to ensure we stick to our principles of pro-social justice, anti-racism, anti-imperialism, anti-nationalism, etc. while working for the liberation of Palestinians and defeating Zionism.
Ms. Weir’s relatively large influence in the movement, reflect badly on the rest of us who are are against her and her racist ideals. I apologize if you happen to be a supporter of hers, but I have my principles and won’t allow my name, along with those of many others, to dragged down the mud by association to Ms. Weir and her ilk."

Ditto for this Quora space post. And that individual is an admin on the Quora space Palestine today.

While anti-war and anti-imperialism may crossover with each other, being anti-racist is already perfectly acceptable (a minority of people in the west or are the internet are actually racist. Racists are actually a loud minority, & Americans, Canadians, & Europeans are, by & large, anti-racist to a fault. Most wars are not even motivated by racism, but lust for economic & political power), but social justice (as in social justice warriors) & anti-nationalism (getting rid of countries & borders) are alienating, with the last position only being supported by anarchists & anarcho-socialists/anarcho-communists.
Hence why I called this individual a "crypto-communist", & I mean it as a serious term, not as name calling or an insult.

I'll make an article for the Quora space Palestine Today. Instead of berating them as if they're spineless wimps who cry whenever they hear anyone disagree with them, I'll be constructive as to how to appeal to conservatives & how to convert Israel supporters. Depending on how they react, I'll find out if they just need to get out of their echo-chamber, or if they're hyper-partisan leftists who can't take any right-wing viewpoints or opinions, or even controlled opposition. And this will also test how thoroughly they read, if they can find this paragraph in this article.

Here's an excerpt from the video The OWS Will Fail - Here's Why by StormCloudsGathering:

"Many in America are operating under a naive presumption that they can rally the country behind them on political wedge issues. The thing is, as much as you may hope & dream to the contrary, America is not on the path to becoming a liberal-progressive nation, nor is it on the path to being a Christian-conservative nation. These are pipe-dreams, & holding on to these solutions makes you politically ineffective. The only way that any movement is going to be able to build to momentum needed to actually unseat the criminals who have taken control of government & finance is by building a coalition based on a platform which both conservative & liberal Americans can agree on. It's going to have to be a pretty simple platform, & it's going to require diplomacy & maturity on both sides."

"The more you add to your demands, & the more partisan that you allow those demands to be, the less people you're going to have willing to support you, much less join you. And 1 wrong issue could cause a massive backlash, which could lead to a counter movement to oppose you. If you want to suceed, you must avoid becoming a left-wing movement or a right-wing movement becuase doing so would make it impossible to gain the support of the majority of Americans."

"As much as we may want to be all-inclusive, we can't allow fringe extremists to join & represent the movement. Having the Communist party march down the street by your side with red flags doesn't help you any more than having a KKK member march beside the Tea Party. We don't need the support of the fringe. They don't help us at all. Their presence drives away people who might otherwise want to join, & they destroy our image."

I suggest watching "What a "Big Tent" Means to Me (Important)" by Reality Engaged with Angelo John Gage.

I also suggest listening to "Ralph Nader and Tom Woods Discuss Left-Right Cooperation".

If we keep this purity spiral & interservice rivalry up, the antiwar movement will remain stagnated.
File:Benjamin Franklin - Join or Die.jpg
(File:Benjamin Franklin - Join or Die.jpg)

I won't harp on much more about the left, as that this article is about problems within the antiwar movement & not the left in of itself. If you want to talk about problems within the left, instead of talking about it in the comments section of this article, talk about it in the comments section of What don't most liberals realise?

If you don't like what I have to say in this article, the 4 minute, 30 second long video "Calling Out FAKE Liberals" makes a perfect closing.

StormCloudsGathering predicted that no one will take the left seriously for the next 8 years of Republican rule that will follow the Obama era. I guess that he was right!

I've thought about making a parody to the song "Can I get a Outlaw" by Ryan Upchurch, but would talk about Ryan Dawson, Justin Raimondo, Scott Horton & Ron Paul, reference their struggles & discoveries, while slamming factions of the left, but that will be for another time.

Additional commentary:
I was introduced to the alternate media by Alex Jones (who I've stopped listening to in late 2015 & now oppose) & StormCloudsGathering. I was introduced to the anti-Zionist movement by StormCloudsGathering's video The Gaza Bombardment - What You're Not Being Told
So I guess that you can say that I came from the "right-wing" faction of the antiwar movement.
I am in shock at how much the Palestine solidarity movement concentrates on the crimes in Palestine, but rarely talk about the Israeli lobby or Israeli influence in the media. I expect that to support Palestine would require enough spine to not dismiss Zionist power, but as someone who came from the right-wing & antiwar faction of the antiwar movement, I guess that my expectations for the left-wing antiwar movement is too high.

Theatrics is better than nothing, but should only be used if you can not lobby. To lobby, go to Congress, and meet with the legislative assistants of Congressmen. If you can't do that, then call the offices Congressmen. That's how you influence Congress.

Picture credit: Picture made with Google slides, Kazam, &


Please send this article to Adam Green of Know More News, so he can get in contact with Jeff Blankfort, Gilad Atzmon, & Alison Weir.

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